Friday, August 14, 2009

I've been on a huge New Found Glory kick as of late. I've loved this band for almost 10 years, and hold them completely responsible for my shameless love of pop punk. How anyone could think that pop punk is annoying(OK, i get that sometimes), or crappy or talentless is beyond me. <3<3<3.

Tonight A and I are leaving for his pops' cabin in Victoria beach. Soooo excited! Last summer when we went I had a great time. Just being away from everything was so nice, and calming. I hope it has the same effect this time around. I certainly need it!! The weather is to be crappy according to all sources, but I'm hopeful we'll see a little bit of sun at least.

Speaking of weather, my curls have completely flopped due to humidity. I'm rather upset! I walked into work with large pieces of half straight hair. *shakes fist* Blast you rainy humid poop!

Side note: I signed my lease again. One more year(likely) in my lovely little apartment. I'm just not ready to part with it!

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